Georgetowne Homeowners’ Association Newsletter

Editor: Stuart Wills

August 2024

Next HOA Board meeting will September 4th at the Tennis Villas.  

The summer heat is in full force and residents are withdrawing to indoors while we wait for relief. For the most part we have avoided the worst of the summer weather.  Let’s hope that our luck holds. 

What’s Happening… 

Budget constraints continue to affect our ability to institute new projects. That said, there are a few activities that deserve a mention. 

1.     A resident has suggested adding a children’s sharing library.  For those unfamiliar, this is a structure that looks like a small house about the size of a mailbox. It is stocked with books that are appropriate for children and operates on a borrow and return honor system. 

Update: At the June HOA board meeting, and after reviewing community input, the board recommended going ahead with the library. It will be located adjacent to the pool parking area and available to all residents. 

2.     Milo’s Lawn Services contract has been renewed through 2026. While we hear about the occasional issue with our lawn service the fact is that our experience with Milo’s has been overwhelmingly positive.   

If you have lawn or landscaping questions… Individual lawn concerns relating to your lawn and shrubs can be addressed by directly contacting either Baker (weeds and fertilization) or Milo’s Landscaping (mowing, edging, trimming, etc.). No need to first contact the HOA.  Broader landscaping questions or concerns can, as always, be brought to the board. Contact information is available on the Georgetowne HOA website, the portal, or here: 


Milo’s Lawn Service:

3.     We have contracted with a new janitorial service for the cabana and adjacent pool areas. After interviewing several firms, we have chosen Stratus to replace our previous service. This follows a number of complaints regarding the quality of the cleaning. Stratus will be on-site on Tuesdays and should not interfere with residents’ use of the pool. 

4.     This is the time of year when the board develops next year’s budget. There is no question that it will be tight – as previously reported our insurance has gone from $13,000 to $50,000. We expect to be able to maintain the current level of services but, barring unavoidable repairs, it is less likely that we will be able to take on any major and/or costly projects.

5.     Resident Feedback is something we take seriously. If you have questions or comments, please let us know. At times it may seem that we are not responding or at least taking too long to react. Please understand that, by state law, the board has limited powers to address some issues (e.g., on-street parking).

Our preferred method of complaint resolution is to notify the resident at fault and obtain a quick, amicable resolution. In some cases, we can work with the resident to correct the situation by a specific date.  This is often the case for larger, more costly issues. If all else fails, and as a last resort, we do have ability to refer the case to our attorneys.  

We hope that all residents understand that the HOA is not intended to be a punitive organization. Our goal, as always is to preserve Georgetowne as a well-maintained neighborhood and a good place to live.  

Where to Find more GT News and Information 

The number one location for all things Georgetowne HOA is the website

If you would like to get e-mail updates and notifications regarding the Georgetowne Community, please send an e-mail to with your name and street address.

An ARB application is required for most improvements on the street-facing side of your property. The application form is simple to complete and can be located on the website. 

The Georgetowne HOA newsletter is published once each quarter and can be found on the Georgetowne HOA website.  If you do not have access to the website, or simply would like to receive a printed copy, please contact Vista and we will be happy provide it.